IMAGE: The Flagship of the International Winter School 2020 is the ‘Two Capitals’ Joint Course of SPbPU and RUDN.
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Credit: Peter the Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University
Peter the Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University (SPbPU) together with the Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (RUDN) launch a joint program of the International Winter School. The educational module, which became the flagship of the winter season 2020, was called ‘Two Capitals’. Its participants will have a unique opportunity to study at two top Russian universities within the framework of one module: first in St. Petersburg, and then in Moscow. The program started on January 27 and ended on February 21.
The program of the ‘Two Capitals’ International Winter School maximally takes into account the needs and wishes of present-day students. Its structure resembles a puzzle: combining different components, students can study in detail exactly those disciplines that interest them the most,” commented Olga Emelyanova, Head of the Department of International Educational Programs and Academic Mobility SPbPU.
The joint program of SPbPU and RUDN is divided into three clusters. First, students will study at Polytechnic University one of the technical courses at their choice: space technology, plasma physics, civil engineering, nuclear power, and many others; after that, they will go to RUDN for a Russian language course. The second cluster will introduce foreign students to the peculiarities of Russian business: they will study the relevant disciplines at both Russian universities. And finally, as part of the third cluster, foreign students of the International Winter School will take the course of Russian language and culture. All three sets of studies provide two-week training at SPbPU and one-week or two-week training at RUDN.
An additional bonus for participants of the international winter school will be the opportunity to re-transfer student credits in related disciplines at their universities. So, in the framework of the ‘Two Capitals’ module, foreign students can receive from 6 to 9 ECTS credits (according to the European system of transfer and accumulation of credit units), which they can use in the learning process.
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