The Walking Dead Season 10 Episode 8: The World Before
A fight causes tensions in Oceanside; The Alexandrians set out on a high-stakes mission.
air date: 11/24/19
Read our review of “The World Before” here.
The Walking Dead Season 10 Episode 9: Squeeze
The collected communities are reluctantly respecting the new borderlines being imposed on them. The very idea of whether civilization can survive in a world filled with the dead hangs in the balance.
air date: 2/23/20
Read our review of “Squeeze” here.
The Walking Dead Season 10 Episode 10: Stalker
The group must defend Alexandria from a threatening, outside force.
air date: 3/1/20
Read our review of “Stalker” here.
The Walking Dead Season 10 Episode 11: Morning Star
The Whisperers are coming for Hilltop. After Daryl and Lydia’s encounter with Alpha, the communities must decide whether to run or fight. Meanwhile, Eugene’s communication with Stephanie gets complicated.
air date: 3/8/20
Read our review of “Morning Star” here.
The Walking Dead Season 10 Episode 12: Walk With Us
Michonne takes Virgil back to his mysterious island to reunite with his family; in exchange, Virgil promises weapons that could change the tide of the Whisperer War.
air date: 3/15/20
Read our review of “Walk With Us” here.
The Walking Dead Season 10 Episode 13: What We Become
Michonne takes Virgil back to his mysterious island to reunite with his family; in exchange, Virgil promises weapons that could change the tide of the Whisperer War.
air date: 3/22/20
Read our review of “What We Become” here.
The Walking Dead Season 10 Episode 14: Look at the Flowers
Heroes and villains reckon with the aftermath of the Hilltop fire; Eugene takes a group on a journey to meet Stephanie, with the hopes of befriending another civilization.
air date: 3/29/20
The Walking Dead Season 10 Episode 15: The Tower
The communities prepare for the final battle of the Whisperer War; meanwhile, Eugene’s group encounters Princess.
air date: 4/5/20
The Walking Dead Season 10 Episode 16: A Certain Doom
Beta engages the final battle of the Whisperer War.
air date: 4/12/20
The Walking Dead Season 10 Trailer
A teaser has arrived for the second half of The Walking Dead‘s tenth season, revealing an escalating war with The Whisperers, notably with a chaotic shields-and-spears skirmish that looks more like Game of Thrones‘ Battle of the Bastards than anything we’ve seen on this show. However, the pièce de résistance here is clearly the images of an imminently-departing Danai Gurira as Michonne in full war mode, brandishing not her signature katana, but Lucille!
The Walking Dead Season 10 Posters
AMC has released some key art for the back half of The Walking Dead season 10. Below you can find Alpha, Michonne, Carol, and Daryl all adopting their preferred battle poses.

The Walking Dead Season 10 Story
Here is the official synopsis for the second half of the season:
The Walking Dead returns to find our group of survivors are trapped. Some in the confines of a cave filled with walkers, while others are caught in a spiral of suspicion and grief. All orchestrated at the hand of Alpha, who continues to prove the Whisperers are always watching, and one step ahead of the communities. Which includes the new and potentially deadly threat of having added Negan to their ranks.
Through this conflict and all they’ve lost, a few still hold onto hope, especially Eugene, who believes the mysterious voice he spoke with on the radio may lead to their world getting bigger once again.
But with the Whisperer War upon them, the collective communities must come together and possibly sacrifice all they have to find a way to silence the Whispers once and for all. Otherwise Alpha will ensure they face a certain doom.
The Walking Dead Season 10 Cast
We expect all surviving cast members to return as well, and for Daryl and Carol to continue at the forefront of the show. Unfortunately, this will be Danai Gurira’s final season as Michonne on The Walking Dead. More on that here.
We have some good news too, though. Seven cast members have been promoted to series regulars: Cailey Fleming (Judith), Cassady McClincy (Lydia), Lauren Ridloff (Connie), Eleanor Matsuura (Yumiko), Nadia Hilker (Magna), Ryan Hurst (Beta), and Cooper Andrews (Jerry).
Lauren Cohan will also return as Maggie at the tail end of this season before becoming a series regular again in season 11.
Juan Javier Cardenas plays the show’s version of Dante, a popular character from the comics. The show’s version of Dante isn’t quite you’re expecting, though.
Kevin Carroll (The Leftovers) has also joined the cast as a character named Virgil, who is described as “a highly intelligent and resourceful man who is desperately trying to get home to his family.”
Thora Birch (Ghost World) plays a Whisperer named Gamma, who is described as “fiercely protective” of Alpha.
The Walking Dead Season 10 Spoilers
We’ve read the comics and have created a spoiler-y roadmap to what might be in store for The Walking Dead season 10, including the start of the Whisperer War. Read more here.