IMAGE: Cover for “3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing of Electronics: Principles and Applications ”
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Credit: World Scientific
In the age of digitalisation, electronics products are becoming increasingly ubiquitous. Over the past few decades, electronic products like computers, smartphones, televisions, gaming consoles and internet of things (IoT) devices have completely transformed the way we interact, live, work and play. In consumer products, the demands for customisation and miniaturisation are two major trends that place technical challenges in designing and manufacturing future electronic products. Three-dimensional (3D) printing of electronics has attracted growing interest because of the unique advantages it offers that are not achievable by traditional electronic manufacturing processes and systems. For instance, on-demand fabrication of highly-customisable electronics, direct fabrication on a wide variety of substrates and conformal surfaces and novel device designs in three-dimensions.
Development and understanding of 3D printing of electronics require a combination of multiple disciplines, specifically material science of the functional inks, mechanical-electrical engineering for the digital manufacturing processes and computational engineering for the design of 3D printable electronic devices. Written by contributors ranging from world leading experts and researchers from the Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD) and Nanyang Technological University (NTU), 3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing of Electronics: Principles and Applications is designed to be a one-stop guide for anyone interested in the 3D printing of electronics.
This book is also an effective textbook for undergraduate and graduate courses that aim to arm students with a thorough understanding of the fundamentals of 3D printed electronics. Written to provide a comprehensive coverage on the principles and applications in 3D electronics printing for students, researchers and engineers, the book explores the various 3D printing techniques, functional materials, substrates, sintering processes, designs and simulations, applications and future outlook of 3D printed electronics. A set of designed problems at the end of each chapter provide undergraduate and postgraduate students with practice on key concepts covered.
3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing of Electronics begins with the introduction of conventional electronics manufacturing and an overview of the 3D printing of electronics. A chapter is devoted to the printing processes of the various conventional electronics techniques for printed electronics. Four subsequent chapters are dedicated to the key components of 3D printing of electronics, which are 3D electronics printing techniques, materials and inks, substrates and processing, and sintering techniques for metallic nanoparticle inks. The book next presents a new exciting area which is gaining traction recently, namely the designs and simulations for 3D printed electronics. The last chapter is entirely devoted to the applications of 3D printed electronics, and valuable insights are provided for existing challenges and the future outlook.
This book also gives a complete and comprehensive overview of the latest technologies, methodologies and practices, as well as research and development in this sector, for industry practitioners and suppliers. “In this book, we explore a future of fully functional electronic devices which are completely 3D printed,” said Professor Chee Kai Chua, lead author and Head of Engineering Product Development at the Singapore University of Technology and Design. “We take readers through the state-of-the-art technologies in 3D printed electronics and delve into present as well as upcoming trends that have the potential to revolutionise this sector”.
3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing of Electronics: Principles and Applications retails for US$58 / £50 (paperback) and US$138 / £120 (hardcover). To order or know more about the book, visit http://www.
About the Authors
Chee Kai CHUA is the Head of Pillar for Engineering Product Development and Cheng Tsang Man Chair Professor at Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD). Dr Chua has extensive teaching and consulting experience in 3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing (3DP & AM). He is an active contributor to the Additive Manufacturing (AM or 3D Printing) field for over 30 years, where his re-design of AM processes for innovative devices such as tissue engineering scaffolds are highly regarded by the scientific community. He is now active in 3D printing of electronics, food, metals and polymers. He won the prestigious International Freeform and Additive Manufacturing Excellence (FAME) Award in 2018. As at 2020, he has contributed more than 400 technical papers and patents, generating more than 14,000 citations, and co-authored four books including 3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing: Principles and Applications (5th edition) and Bioprinting: Principles and Applications. In addition, he is the chief editor of Virtual and Physical Prototyping as well as International Journal of Bioprinting.
Wai Yee YEONG is an Associate Professor at School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (MAE), Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. She also serves as Associate Chair (Students) at MAE She has published more than 150 papers, generating more than 4900 citations with a current H-index of 35, and co-authored 2 textbooks (published by World Scientific and Elsevier respectively). Her works have been featured on media such as CNA, the Straits Times and other media channels. Her portfolio also includes serving as Programme Director (Aerospace and Defence) at Singapore Centre for 3D Printing (SC3DP) and at HP-NTU Digital Manufacturing Corporate Labs. She has filed 6 patents applications and 14 know-hows. Her main research interest is in 3D printing, bioprinting and the translational of the advanced technologies for industrial applications. Her current research topics include 3D printing of new materials, hybrid electronic-mechanical structures and bioprinting for tissue engineering. She was named the winner of TCT Women in 3D Printing Innovator Award 2019.
Hong Yee LOW received her PhD from the Macromolecular Science and Engineering department of Case Western Reserve University in 1998. After 2 years at Motorola Semiconductor Sector, she worked at the Institute of Materials Research and Engineering (IMRE), Agency for Science Technology and Research, Singapore for 13 years. In IMRE she spearheaded nanoimprinting research, held the position as group head of Patterning and Fabrication Capability Group and Director of Research and Innovation. She is currently an associate professor in the Engineering Product Development Pillar (EPD) at the Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD) and the director for the Digital Manufacturing and Design (DmanD) centre. Her primary research interest is in nanofabrication of functional surfaces. She has co-authored >150 peer reviewed publications and is a co-inventor of 30 granted patents.
Tuan TRAN is currently an Associate Professor of the School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore. He also acts as the Deputy Director of the NTU hub at Singapore’s National Additive Manufacturing Innovation Cluster (NAMIC) with the mission to provide financial support for translational research in 3D printing and promote adoption of 3D printing in Singapore’s industrial ecosystem. His research in 3D printing encompasses a wide range of activities, from fundamental works in development of droplet- and powder-based 3D printing technologies to translational works such as standards and qualification in 3D printing and 3D printing of conventional and wearable electronics. He has authored 40 journal papers in multiphase flows, droplet-surface interactions, and 3D printing. He holds patents for embedding identifiers in 3D printed parts and in-situ monitoring of 3D printing processes. His work on in-situ monitoring of 3D printing processes has been selected by ASTM to develop into industry standards.
Hong Wei TAN is currently a research fellow in the Engineering Product Development Pillar (EPD) at the Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD). He received his BEng (First-Class Honours) and PhD degrees in Mechanical Engineering from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. He has filed one PCT patent in sintering metallic nanoparticle inks for 3D printed electronics applications. His research interests are additive manufacturing processes for 3D printed electronics and materials characterisations.
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