Month: September 2022

The following contains She-Hulk spoilers. She-Hulk Episode 6 Although last week’s episode of She-Hulk: Attorney at Law ended on a lingering shot of Daredevil’s new (yellow!) helmet, Matt Murdock is nowhere to be found in this week’s installment. Which, granted, the series never explicitly promised to us–and we all know what happens when we assume—but
Gambling has been a thorn in the sides of gamers and Twitch viewers alike for some time now. Quite a few companies have taken a stand against the practice, especially when children are involved, and Twitch is the latest organization to join them. While that may sound like a step in the right direction, the
This post contains light spoilers for The Sandman It sure seems that people like The Sandman. The long-in-development adaptation of the influential DC Comics series finally came to Netflix on Aug. 5, and almost immediately gained a following. Fans took to Tom Sturridge’s complex portrayal of Dream aka Morpheus, the Lord of the Dreaming. Over
The following contains spoilers for Resident Alien. Though Resident Alien introduced an alien baby earlier this spring before the series went on its midseason hiatus and dropped an even bigger twist several episodes ago by revealing the child is Harry’s literal offspring (thanks, time travel!), neither our titular alien nor the show he stars in
This Star Wars: Andor article contains spoilers. Andor takes Star Wars in a completely new direction than we’ve ever seen before. Cassian’s origin story opens not with talk of Jedi and Sith, or a civil war between the Empire and the Rebellion, but with a common crook who’s down on his luck and desperate. The
It takes six people to fill Richard Osman’s shoes, and not just because he wears a size 14. Back in April, the TV presenter, producer and novelist announced that he was leaving his co-presenter role on Pointless to focus on his hugely successful Thursday Murder Club book series and other projects. Due to the ‘stars
In 2005, Steven Moffat wouldn’t have been as successful a Doctor Who showrunner as Russell T. Davies. The two are very different writers, with Moffat simultaneously introverted and romantic in comparison to Davies’ passionate tenure’s underlying cynicism. The latter was much better suited to introducing the show to a wider audience, and the former was
The Jedi Order has both risen and fallen multiple times in the history of the galaxy far, far away, but the Star Wars franchise continues to be dominated by these lightsaber-wielding warrior monks nonetheless. Virtually every Star Wars fan has a favorite Jedi and what would the series be without them? But what actually makes
Among many other things, the Game Boy line of handheld hardware legitimized the concept of gaming on the go. The quality of the original Game Boy hardware itself inspired developers everywhere to pursue ambitious new ideas that changed the handheld gaming landscape forever. Of course, just because the Game Boy legitimized the handheld gaming scene
While it would be an overstatement to claim that the franchise is in trouble, few would argue that Star Wars is currently at its height. The excitement generated by the first season of The Mandalorian gave way to a mixed response to the lore-heavy second season and to the relatively unpopular The Book of Boba
This She-Hulk review contains spoilers. She-Hulk Episode 5 Like many (most?) other half-hour comedies, She-Hulk: Attorney at Law has taken a few episodes to settle into its groove. Between the series’ controversial fourth-wall-breaking narration and its embrace of a purposefully broad brand of humor that ranges from self-deprecating to downright uncomfortable, the show has definitely